Going to the duck pond and we're gonna get married!

May 14, 2024


Ladies and gentlemen, rubber duck fans, collectible fans, TUBBZ cosplaying ducks fans please be upstanding for the ‘Bride and Groom’.

Wedding bells are ringing at the duck pond today and all the TUBBZ rubber ducks and fans are ‘quacking’ with joy as the new First Edition Bride and Groom join the TUBBZ cosplaying rubber duck collection.

Whether you're a fan of gaming, movies, comics, or TV shows, there's a TUBBZ rubber duck out there for you. And now, with the arrival of the Bride and Groom TUBBZ, even the world of weddings is getting a nerdy makeover.

The blushing ducky bride looks ethereal in her stunning bridal gown with floral headdress. Meanwhile the nervous groom looks spectacularly dashing in his top hat and (duck)tails with flower in the buttonhole. 

What a pair they make, a union that will look glorious in your collection and last a lifetime – until quack do us part!  These First Edition beauties won’t hang around for long, invite them to you collection now!

Watch the ceremony here…